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Started by ReBurn, July 05, 2006, 07:33:32 AM

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Crap, I still need to watch last week's episode of Lost.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Hooray, this gonna rock!

It better rock.






Full Silver Surfer commercial!!


eo000, you better be watching this.

Where is that Hana chick?  Or whatever her name is.


The whole neighborhood just saw Claire heal.  Oh shiat.



Best episode of the season, no doubt.


Quote from: Beefy on February 26, 2007, 10:03:44 PM
Best episode of the season, no doubt.

woah, is all I gotta say. that was awesome
A clever man commits no minor blunders.


I'll admit it, the end made me cry.

Wasn't the nurse Hana?


16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


Quote from: Beefy on February 26, 2007, 09:40:00 PM
eo000, you better be watching this.

Where is that Hana chick?  Or whatever her name is.
last week's graphic novel dealt with where hana is instead of the house.

no, she wasn't the nurse.


Quote from: eo000 on February 26, 2007, 10:20:38 PM
Quote from: Beefy on February 26, 2007, 09:40:00 PM
eo000, you better be watching this.

Where is that Hana chick?  Or whatever her name is.
last week's graphic novel dealt with where hana is instead of the house.

no, she wasn't the nurse.
Oh.  All cute brunettes look the same to me.  ;)


Quote from: eo000 on February 26, 2007, 10:20:38 PM
last week's graphic novel dealt with where hana is instead of the house.

That's kind of lame.  They should resolve things in the show that they introduced in the show.


Quote from: Beefy on February 27, 2007, 07:45:41 AM
Quote from: eo000 on February 26, 2007, 10:20:38 PM
last week's graphic novel dealt with where hana is instead of the house.

That's kind of lame.  They should resolve things in the show that they introduced in the show.
she was introduced to the show, and to ted and matt, through the novels and internet clips.

i think it's kinda cool that they are making one of the characters more interactive with the fans.


Quote from: eo000 on February 27, 2007, 07:51:04 AM
Quote from: Beefy on February 27, 2007, 07:45:41 AM
Quote from: eo000 on February 26, 2007, 10:20:38 PM
last week's graphic novel dealt with where hana is instead of the house.

That's kind of lame.  They should resolve things in the show that they introduced in the show.
she was introduced to the show, and to ted and matt, through the novels and internet clips.

i think it's kinda cool that they are making one of the characters more interactive with the fans.

That I agree with.  But there are a slew of people out there, the majority I would imagine, who only watch the show and don't bother with the online stuff.   And they shouldn't have to go to the Website to get resolutions to story arcs and characters they only know through the show. 

Yes, Hana was introduced online first, but most people don't know that.  She's just the hottie Internet chick from last week's episode who has now disappeared again.  And in that context, it's poor storytelling.  They should at least have a disclaimer on the show stating that you have to go to the Website if you want the rest of her story. 

I think Lost has done a better job with this idea, in that it has a very strong online presence which exists outside of the normal show.  It compliments the series, but you don't have to rely on it.


Quote from: Beefy on February 27, 2007, 08:19:00 AM
I think Lost has done a better job with this idea, in that it has a very strong online presence which exists outside of the normal show.  It compliments the series, but you don't have to rely on it.

I should clarify that I haven't been keeping up with the online Heroes stuff so much as to make a definitive statement on the matter.  I'm just commenting on what I see going on with the Hana character.  It is entirely possible that the show will resolve her whereabouts in an upcoming episode.


That was an awesome show.  i think the best episode so far.  I liked the the black donnelly's too.
16:15:43 [Gamplayerx] Juneau, I could really go for some pie. You better Belize it!


Just watched last night's episode.  I'm shocked.  That was really well done.  The right mix of answers and development.  The inability to do this exact type of thing is why Lost is floundering and Heroes is succeeding. 


I enjoyed it, too. I didn't expect what Mr. Bennet did, nor did I expect to see how he came to be Claire's adoptive father.

As usual, I was left wanting more. I hope that when NBC releases the DVD set that they include all of the web stuff.
11:42:24 [Gamplayerx] I keep getting knocked up.
11:42:28 [Gamplayerx] Er. OUT!


Quote from: ReBurn on February 28, 2007, 07:06:41 AM
I enjoyed it, too. I didn't expect what Mr. Bennet did, nor did I expect to see how he came to be Claire's adoptive father.

As usual, I was left wanting more. I hope that when NBC releases the DVD set that they include all of the web stuff.
i hope they include all the black donnelly's promos.