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Started by Infobahn, June 10, 2006, 10:24:05 PM

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Excellent movie. Loved all of the character voices, especially the Lightning McQueen's sponsors. (Click & Clack from Car Talk on NPR).

Great sound track, too.  BB watched part of it, and flirted with the women behind us the rest.


Hey, how about that.  Another Pixar movie I get to boycott.


I've still managed to avoid this, and Timothy still gets mad every time there's a Larry the Cable Guy movie he wants to see and I tell him that that dick will never get a dime of my money if I can help it.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


some comments there said that Cars didn't warrant a sequel.   i think disney has produced a lot of direct-to-video sequels that i never even knew about.   milking it as long as people are willing to pay, i guess.


Weird.  I just watched this movie on Sunday (I did a big kids' movie day - Cars, Stuart Little and Doogal).  Somebody tell me again - why is Larry the Cable Guy such a factor in movie boycotts?  I still haven't figured out just who he is.  It seems whatever he does that gets you all so riled up doesn't intersect with anything that I'm watching.


QuoteLarry was born in Pawnee City, Neb., in 1963, but, as he is quick to point out, he had moved to Florida by his midteens. He attended the Baptist University of America in Decatur, Ga., and it was there, among Bible folk, that his accent thickened and he began a study of the rural South. Returning to Florida, he created an unruly alter ego—a cable guy—and began delivering comic radio commentaries that inveighed against "evil commie libs and politically correct uptight crybabies." His voice was a gooey whine; the material was reactionary veering into the racist. (Kim Jong-il, the leader of North Korea, was a "sweet-and-sour commie gook.") When the news failed to move him, Larry would tweak the nostalgia factories of the South. He read fictitious letters from a Confederate soldier that described the less noble moments of the Noble Cause. ("I got in a skirmish with some Yankee sumbitch and to make a long story short my wiener was blown off. Not a good day. I'll write more later.") It was this persona—bluff and crass, almost perversely "Southern"—that he moved from the radio to the stage and then to the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

Here's a couple of quotes that David Cross quoted in his open letter:

Re: Abu Ghraib Torture -

"Let me ask some of these commie rag head carpet flying wicker basket on the head balancing scumbags something!"

Re: Having a Muslim cleric give the opening prayer at the Republican Convention -

"What the hell is this the cartoon network? The Republicans had a muslim give the opening prayer at there (sic) convention! What the hell's going on around here! Is Muslim now the official religion of the United States!...First these peckerheads ( Ironically, "peckerhead" was a derogatory word slaves and their offspring used to describe white people) fly planes into towers and now theys (sic) prayin' before conventions! People say not all of em did that and I say who gives a rats fat ass! That's a fricken slap in the face to New York city by having some muslim sum-bitch give the invocation at the republican convention! This country pretty much bans the Christian religion (the religion of George Washington and John Wayne) virtually from anything public and then they got us watchin' this muslim BS!! Ya wanna pray to allah then drag yer flea infested ass over to where they pray to allah at!" End Quote. So...yeah. There you go. This quote goes on and on but my favorite part is when you say towards the end, " look, I love all people (except terrorist countries that want to kill us)..."

I've read other stuff of his that i didn't like, things he used to talk about on the radio before he toned it down.  He's a pig.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Good god, I wonder if he typed his own responses here.  If so, I wonder if he's this illiterate, or if it's still part of his persona.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: Jessie on April 09, 2008, 09:35:36 AM
QuoteLarry was born in Pawnee City, Neb., in 1963, but, as he is quick to point out, he had moved to Florida by his midteens. He attended the Baptist University of America in Decatur, Ga., and it was there, among Bible folk, that his accent thickened and he began a study of the rural South. Returning to Florida, he created an unruly alter ego—a cable guy—and began delivering comic radio commentaries that inveighed against "evil commie libs and politically correct uptight crybabies." His voice was a gooey whine; the material was reactionary veering into the racist. (Kim Jong-il, the leader of North Korea, was a "sweet-and-sour commie gook.") When the news failed to move him, Larry would tweak the nostalgia factories of the South. He read fictitious letters from a Confederate soldier that described the less noble moments of the Noble Cause. ("I got in a skirmish with some Yankee sumbitch and to make a long story short my wiener was blown off. Not a good day. I'll write more later.") It was this persona—bluff and crass, almost perversely "Southern"—that he moved from the radio to the stage and then to the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

[quote author = John McCain]"I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."[/quote]

and millions of Americans are going to vote for him.


No doubt the guy sounds like an ass - but lots of people are asses and lots of people are way more assy. 


I just can't stand him, or anything about him, really.

It annoys me that he's a caricature of his fans, and somehow they don't see that he's mocking them.  I guess that's not his fault, though.

I just don't care to knowingly support the career of an openly racist or homophobic or otherwise hateful person, even if they hide their hate behind 'comedy'.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


But in not supporting his career, aren't you also not supporting potentially really terrific people's careers, too?

I just looked up Cars and see that Larry the Cable Guy is just the voice of the tow truck.  I thought perhaps he was the driving force (haha!  driving force -- punny) behind the movie.


I'm willing to take that risk.

It's made a little easier since he's yet to make a movie that I actually want to see.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: Gamplayerx on April 09, 2008, 10:32:44 AM
No doubt the guy sounds like an ass - but lots of people are asses and lots of people are way more assy. 

And we are free to not feed into the careers of any such people we see fit.

I dislike Larry the Cable Guy and James Mangold, so I don't support their work.

Larry the Cable Guy is a douchebag for encouraging and exploiting racism for profit.  That's my opinion and it's as valid as anyone else's.

It surprises me that Disney encourages that kind of "comedy" by employing him.  But then again, they probably get the real, college educated guy and not the caricature.  Problem is, they're still selling the caricature with their films.

Dry then Catch

Quote from: Beefy on April 09, 2008, 06:15:38 PM
Quote from: Gamplayerx on April 09, 2008, 10:32:44 AM
No doubt the guy sounds like an ass - but lots of people are asses and lots of people are way more assy. 

And we are free to not feed into the careers of any such people we see fit.

I dislike Larry the Cable Guy and James Mangold, so I don't support their work.

Larry the Cable Guy is a douchebag for encouraging and exploiting racism for profit.  That's my opinion and it's as valid as anyone else's.

It surprises me that Disney encourages that kind of "comedy" by employing him.  But then again, they probably get the real, college educated guy and not the caricature.  Problem is, they're still selling the caricature with their films.

"well he sure sucked the fun out of that."



we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: Beefy on April 09, 2008, 06:15:38 PM
Quote from: Gamplayerx on April 09, 2008, 10:32:44 AM
No doubt the guy sounds like an ass - but lots of people are asses and lots of people are way more assy. 

And we are free to not feed into the careers of any such people we see fit.
You certainly are. 


every asswipe in world seems to end up and reside in Florida.  why is that ???

call it paradise and kiss it goodbye.


Quote from: eo000 on April 09, 2008, 09:54:13 AM

[quote author = John McCain]"I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."

and millions of Americans are going to vote for him.

John McCain was trained to hate them and to not see them as people, so he could be trained to kill them.  Then, on top of that, some of them imprisoned and tortured him.

Dan Whitney probably got bad service at a chinese restaurant once, but really he says those things to further his career.

I don't think they're comparable.

"I've never trusted Klingons, and I never will.  I can never forgive them for the death of my boy."  -James T. Kirk     And millions watched him.


I know I know.  This topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.

But it's here, and I didn't want to start a whole 'nother thread about this movie.

We watched it again this weekend and it is so well done, so smart, so funny and so creative...  plus it has a good, heartwarming story.  Sure, people have argued that it's "Doc Hollywood for cars" but so what?

It brings tears to my eyes every time I see it AND it cracks my shit up.

For those of you who are boycotting it so that Larry the Cable Guy doesn't get a nickel of your money- I'll mail you my copy of this movie, and you can send it back COD.  You really are missing out if that's still the reason you don't want to watch this.
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?


I don't even want to hear his voice.  Couple that with my total lack on interest in any "sport" that involves driving in a circle and the fact that Pixar's narrative template has gotten more than a bit stale, and I just can't generate any interest.  Thanks for the offer, though.

(I haven't even finished watching Wall-E and I've had it for almost two years.  Never bothered with Up.  Didn't see Toy Story 3.  Only mildly interested in Monsters, Inc. 2, just because I love the first one so much.)


How's the view from up there?
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?


Quote from: Beefy on July 13, 2010, 09:19:20 AM
I don't even want to hear his voice.  Couple that with my total lack on interest in any "sport" that involves driving in a circle and the fact that Pixar's narrative template has gotten more than a bit stale, and I just can't generate any interest.  Thanks for the offer, though.

(I haven't even finished watching Wall-E and I've had it for almost two years.  Never bothered with Up.  Didn't see Toy Story 3.  Only mildly interested in Monsters, Inc. 2, just because I love the first one so much.)

Wall-E is spectacular.  You're doing yourself a disservice by not watching it. 

Up was underwhelming for me after all the hype (same with lots of movies, like The Hangover and Tropic Thunder), but I thought it was cute.

I've never watched any Toy Story or Shrek movie. 

I didn't know there was a Monsters Inc 2.  I liked the first one ok.

I don't have any desire to see Cars.  I don't want to listen to Larry the Cable Douche's voice either.  I just can't bring myself to do it.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: dazie on July 13, 2010, 09:22:06 AM
How's the view from up there?

I don't think it's being superior to not get driving in circles or like Larry the Cable Guy.  I don't get or like lots of things.  I'm sure you do as well, and you make decisions based upon those dislikes.

I acknowledge Pixar is a talented bunch, but the shine has diminished for me in that you can predict the narrative beats before they happen.  I know lots of people like Cars, seemingly more adults than kids in my experience, but it just leaves me feeling apathetic.  Factor in Larry and it's not worth bothering to me. 

And now that Pixar has given up on original content for the foreseeable future, I don't see myself getting excited about much else they do.


Then say it that way. 

When I see you use phrases like "my total lack on interest in any "sport" that involves driving in a circle" and stating that you can't be "bothered" to finish Wall-E, I feel you're being a real snob about it.   Above all us peons that do like the movie.
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?