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X-Men 3 Review

Started by swolt, May 26, 2006, 02:41:21 AM

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Quote from: Beefy on May 28, 2006, 09:51:38 AM
Quote from: Listener on May 28, 2006, 07:28:42 AM
I didn't stay for the final scene.  The last scene I saw was Magneto finding out that the cure wears off after time, as he still seems to have some of his power.  Could someone smalltext it for me?

They go back to the room with Moira and the vegetable guy that Prof. X was referencing in class earlier in the film.  As Moira leans over the body (which is just off camera) to adjust something, you hear Prof. X say, "Hello, Moira", to which she responds "Charles?!"  Cut to black.



Quote from: Vikingjuice on May 28, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
"I'm the Juggarnaut...BITCH!!!!"

Not a single person in the theater I was in made the connection.


Quote from: Alice on May 27, 2006, 10:02:31 PM
Does Halle Berry die?  Cuz if she does, I'll go see it.  Otherwise - no thank you.

For once, I have to say that Ms. Berry was not part of the problem.  They actually gave Storm stuff to do in this one, powers and all.  It was overdue.


What happened to my review?  I could have sworn I posted one.


Quote from: Bishamonten on May 28, 2006, 03:11:32 PM
What happened to my review?  I could have sworn I posted one.

Do we need to have a saki intervention?


Quote from: Listener on May 28, 2006, 02:18:27 PM
Quote from: Vikingjuice on May 28, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
"I'm the Juggarnaut...BITCH!!!!"

Not a single person in the theater I was in made the connection.

Every single person (well ok most of the people) in my theater laughed and clapped.

That's why I enjoy seeing the midnight movies. Only fans or hardcore movie goers go to the midnight shows. It cuts down on the assholes who talk and whatnot.
A clever man commits no minor blunders.


Dammit, now I have to rewrite my review.

What I liked:

The first two prologues.

How Phoenix looked.

Wolverine killing just about everyone he saw. 

What i didn't like:

The writing and directing were amateurish at BEST.

The Angel storyline was worthless and under-used.

Phoenix not doing anything!  She kills Cyc( who gets NO fucking commentary on it ), kills Xavier and then stands around to the right of Magneto just looking tall! 

The Beast was just a dude with long hair and blue skin.  Where's the BEAST part.  Grammar's voice was spot on and he did well with what he had, but god, the makeup was terrible.  If they had made him look like John Cassaday's Beast( the current beast ) I bet you would have gotten a fucking righteous scene where Beast sees his "curse" being reversed. 

Callisto and the Pseudo-Morlocks.  The Morlocks were hideous underworlders.  Mutants so scarred and ugly they had to take to the sewers.  So what do they do in the movie?  Make them a bunch of andro ravers!  Great ideas fellas!

The focus on Iceman and Pyro.  That shouldn't be a fucking center focus.  It should have been intercut with other fights( like say, the chase with Juggernaut ). 

The Juggernaut was terrible.  The "I'm Juggernaut, Bitch" was pandering to idiots.

Wolverine is apparently just a joke machine now.  As well, why the fuck is he the one left patting kids on the head? 

Rogue taking the cure. Fucking bullshit.  Her entire story line, from the FIRST film, was to get cured so she can touch her fucking boyfriend!  Bullshit.  Ratner said he saw Xavier as MLK and Magneto as Malcolm X, so here he's just saying that Rogue doesn't want to be black anymore.  Pussy.

Their biggest problem wasn't writing and directing, it was the lack of focus.  You could have had an OK movie if they'd just picked a story.  Do the Dark Phoenix story, do the Morlocks, do Joss Whedon's cure storyline, but only do ONE.


Quote from: Bishamonten on May 28, 2006, 07:03:51 PM
Dammit, now I have to rewrite my review.

What I liked:

The first two prologues.

How Phoenix looked.

Wolverine killing just about everyone he saw. 

What i didn't like:

The writing and directing were amateurish at BEST.

The Angel storyline was worthless and under-used.

Phoenix not doing anything!  She kills Cyc( who gets NO fucking commentary on it ), kills Xavier and then stands around to the right of Magneto just looking tall! 

The Beast was just a dude with long hair and blue skin.  Where's the BEAST part.  Grammar's voice was spot on and he did well with what he had, but god, the makeup was terrible.  If they had made him look like John Cassaday's Beast( the current beast ) I bet you would have gotten a fucking righteous scene where Beast sees his "curse" being reversed. 

Callisto and the Pseudo-Morlocks.  The Morlocks were hideous underworlders.  Mutants so scarred and ugly they had to take to the sewers.  So what do they do in the movie?  Make them a bunch of andro ravers!  Great ideas fellas!

The focus on Iceman and Pyro.  That shouldn't be a fucking center focus.  It should have been intercut with other fights( like say, the chase with Juggernaut ). 

The Juggernaut was terrible.  The "I'm Juggernaut, Bitch" was pandering to idiots.

Wolverine is apparently just a joke machine now.  As well, why the fuck is he the one left patting kids on the head? 

Rogue taking the cure. Fucking bullshit.  Her entire story line, from the FIRST film, was to get cured so she can touch her fucking boyfriend!  Bullshit.  Ratner said he saw Xavier as MLK and Magneto as Malcolm X, so here he's just saying that Rogue doesn't want to be black anymore.  Pussy.

Their biggest problem wasn't writing and directing, it was the lack of focus.  You could have had an OK movie if they'd just picked a story.  Do the Dark Phoenix story, do the Morlocks, do Joss Whedon's cure storyline, but only do ONE.

Is that really what you wrote the first time?
11:42:24 [Gamplayerx] I keep getting knocked up.
11:42:28 [Gamplayerx] Er. OUT!


Quote from: ReBurn on May 28, 2006, 07:53:47 PM
Quote from: Bishamonten on May 28, 2006, 07:03:51 PM
Dammit, now I have to rewrite my review.

What I liked:

The first two prologues.

How Phoenix looked.

Wolverine killing just about everyone he saw. 

What i didn't like:

The writing and directing were amateurish at BEST.

The Angel storyline was worthless and under-used.

Phoenix not doing anything!  She kills Cyc( who gets NO fucking commentary on it ), kills Xavier and then stands around to the right of Magneto just looking tall! 

The Beast was just a dude with long hair and blue skin.  Where's the BEAST part.  Grammar's voice was spot on and he did well with what he had, but god, the makeup was terrible.  If they had made him look like John Cassaday's Beast( the current beast ) I bet you would have gotten a fucking righteous scene where Beast sees his "curse" being reversed. 

Callisto and the Pseudo-Morlocks.  The Morlocks were hideous underworlders.  Mutants so scarred and ugly they had to take to the sewers.  So what do they do in the movie?  Make them a bunch of andro ravers!  Great ideas fellas!

The focus on Iceman and Pyro.  That shouldn't be a fucking center focus.  It should have been intercut with other fights( like say, the chase with Juggernaut ). 

The Juggernaut was terrible.  The "I'm Juggernaut, Bitch" was pandering to idiots.

Wolverine is apparently just a joke machine now.  As well, why the fuck is he the one left patting kids on the head? 

Rogue taking the cure. Fucking bullshit.  Her entire story line, from the FIRST film, was to get cured so she can touch her fucking boyfriend!  Bullshit.  Ratner said he saw Xavier as MLK and Magneto as Malcolm X, so here he's just saying that Rogue doesn't want to be black anymore.  Pussy.

Their biggest problem wasn't writing and directing, it was the lack of focus.  You could have had an OK movie if they'd just picked a story.  Do the Dark Phoenix story, do the Morlocks, do Joss Whedon's cure storyline, but only do ONE.

Is that really what you wrote the first time?

I don't remember.  I remember I wrote most of that in the first one.

Mr. Ubiquity

Quote from: Beefy on May 27, 2006, 04:32:11 PM
A 44.5 million dollar opening day puts that whole "last stand" thing into question.

It had some wonderful gee-whiz moments, and some really boneheaded ones as well.  Ratner simply doesn't have the skill of Bryan Singer as a visual storyteller, and thus many of the narrative and emotional beats in the film were either ill-timed or missed altogether.  It was big and loud and messy.  Still though, the real person to point at for blame is still Tom Rothman, not Ratner.  Ratner gets enough of it right to make you wonder what could have been if he had been given more time.

I enjoyed it overall.

I didn't expect this film to be like the comics, I just wanted it to be a logical extension of the first two films.  And if you view the first two as set-up and character development, then it's easier to take The Last Stand's problems in stride.

Things I Was Happy With:

- Phoenix (sooooo awesome)
- Storm (about frickin' time)
- Moira!
- Fastball Special
- Beast in fight scenes
- Iceman icing up (about frickin' time)
- Removing boring-ass Cyclops from the equation
- Wolverine's long walk towards Phoenix (right out of the comics)
- Phoenix (bears repeating, I thought they were going to fuck it up)

Things That Were Pointless or Bad:

- The Golden Gate Bridge thing was utterly pointless
- The fate of Magneto
- "I'm Juggernaut, bitch!"
- Angel was underused, a missed opportunity
- Some real howlers in the dialogue
- The afore mentioned timing issues were fairly constant


5/6 of the audience left when the credits rolled and totally missed one of the most important scenes in the film, which popped up after the credits.

A couple of the things you didnt like i actually did like.

The bridge scene was basically a CGI showoff, but i think it helped to give perspective to how powerful magneto is, being a level 4 mutant.  If you see him as someone who can tear out the Golden Gate bridge and carry it and drop it precisely where he wants it shows the capabilities of level 4, which helps to give imagination to what Phoenix's power is, since she's level 5.

The fate of Magneto at the end shows that Magneto is very powerful to still retain his skills or that the *cure* that was developed isnt completely effective, or limited or temporary capacity against a level 4.

What i didnt care for:
Juggernaut was ok.  My only beef ( no pun) which doesnt matter is, if im correct, he was a normal strong man whose helmet gave him all of his powers.  The Leech scene bouncing off the wall should never have happened, he should have continued through it.  ALSO, he should not have been able to get himself out of the concrete floor.  In the truck they stated they need to imobilize him so he cant build momentum, well in the floor he couldnt really move, so he should have been stuck there.  sort of.  But since they had to hash some story lines to get EVERYTHING to work together, they did what they had to.

THe professor dying, but not being dead, but transferred to the guy in the hospital bed is just a way to say  neah neah neah heah neaaaaah neah.  It was pointless, unless it happened in the comics at some point.

overall i liked the movie.
"if I wank to it, will u feel disgusted or flattered or a perverse combo of both?"

Mr. Ubiquity

Quote from: Vikingjuice on May 28, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
"I'm the Juggarnaut...BITCH!!!!"

LOL, do a google video search for that and watch the cartoon.
"if I wank to it, will u feel disgusted or flattered or a perverse combo of both?"


Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 07:35:37 AM
A couple of the things you didnt like i actually did like.

The bridge scene was basically a CGI showoff, but i think it helped to give perspective to how powerful magneto is, being a level 4 mutant.  If you see him as someone who can tear out the Golden Gate bridge and carry it and drop it precisely where he wants it shows the capabilities of level 4, which helps to give imagination to what Phoenix's power is, since she's level 5.

The fate of Magneto at the end shows that Magneto is very powerful to still retain his skills or that the *cure* that was developed isnt completely effective, or limited or temporary capacity against a level 4.

What i didnt care for:
Juggernaut was ok.  My only beef ( no pun) which doesnt matter is, if im correct, he was a normal strong man whose helmet gave him all of his powers.  The Leech scene bouncing off the wall should never have happened, he should have continued through it.  ALSO, he should not have been able to get himself out of the concrete floor.  In the truck they stated they need to imobilize him so he cant build momentum, well in the floor he couldnt really move, so he should have been stuck there.  sort of.  But since they had to hash some story lines to get EVERYTHING to work together, they did what they had to.

THe professor dying, but not being dead, but transferred to the guy in the hospital bed is just a way to say  neah neah neah heah neaaaaah neah.  It was pointless, unless it happened in the comics at some point.

overall i liked the movie.

I wondered if the Golden Gate sequence was just supposed to be a show of power to help scare the humans.  If it was, they didn't establish it well enough as the intention.

My issue with Magneto's fate is how it really dramatically undermines the character that has been established over the first two films.  I didn't think of it at the time, but it does lend towards suggesting that the cure is impermanent, which would kind of make sense - Leech's nullifying power was impermanent as well.

It makes sense to me that Juggernaut slammed into the wall.  In the film he is established as a mutant, and so his power would have been negated when he got close enough to Leech.

The professor dying was a narrative catalyst.  I understand that.  It also makes it cheaper if they ever decide to make another film - they've removed three main characters.  That little bit at the end was insurance - if X3 is a big enough hit to warrant another sequel and pay Stewart's salary, they can still use him.  It will be like Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock.

Mr. Ubiquity

Quote from: Beefy on May 30, 2006, 09:25:11 AM
Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 07:35:37 AM
A couple of the things you didnt like i actually did like.

The bridge scene was basically a CGI showoff, but i think it helped to give perspective to how powerful magneto is, being a level 4 mutant.  If you see him as someone who can tear out the Golden Gate bridge and carry it and drop it precisely where he wants it shows the capabilities of level 4, which helps to give imagination to what Phoenix's power is, since she's level 5.

The fate of Magneto at the end shows that Magneto is very powerful to still retain his skills or that the *cure* that was developed isnt completely effective, or limited or temporary capacity against a level 4.

What i didnt care for:
Juggernaut was ok.  My only beef ( no pun) which doesnt matter is, if im correct, he was a normal strong man whose helmet gave him all of his powers.  The Leech scene bouncing off the wall should never have happened, he should have continued through it.  ALSO, he should not have been able to get himself out of the concrete floor.  In the truck they stated they need to imobilize him so he cant build momentum, well in the floor he couldnt really move, so he should have been stuck there.  sort of.  But since they had to hash some story lines to get EVERYTHING to work together, they did what they had to.

THe professor dying, but not being dead, but transferred to the guy in the hospital bed is just a way to say  neah neah neah heah neaaaaah neah.  It was pointless, unless it happened in the comics at some point.

overall i liked the movie.

I wondered if the Golden Gate sequence was just supposed to be a show of power to help scare the humans.  If it was, they didn't establish it well enough as the intention.

My issue with Magneto's fate is how it really dramatically undermines the character that has been established over the first two films.  I didn't think of it at the time, but it does lend towards suggesting that the cure is impermanent, which would kind of make sense - Leech's nullifying power was impermanent as well.

It makes sense to me that Juggernaut slammed into the wall.  In the film he is established as a mutant, and so his power would have been negated when he got close enough to Leech.

The professor dying was a narrative catalyst.  I understand that.  It also makes it cheaper if they ever decide to make another film - they've removed three main characters.  That little bit at the end was insurance - if X3 is a big enough hit to warrant another sequel and pay Stewart's salary, they can still use him.  It will be like Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock.

good points.  didnt think of it either way for those two.  ( juggs and matnetix.)
"if I wank to it, will u feel disgusted or flattered or a perverse combo of both?"


Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 07:39:36 AM
Quote from: Vikingjuice on May 28, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
"I'm the Juggarnaut...BITCH!!!!"

LOL, do a google video search for that and watch the cartoon.

that was terrible

Mr. Ubiquity

Quote from: hattmoward on May 30, 2006, 09:59:11 AM
Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 07:39:36 AM
Quote from: Vikingjuice on May 28, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
"I'm the Juggarnaut...BITCH!!!!"

LOL, do a google video search for that and watch the cartoon.

that was terrible

were you hoping for taste and dignity?
"if I wank to it, will u feel disgusted or flattered or a perverse combo of both?"


Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 10:02:25 AM
Quote from: hattmoward on May 30, 2006, 09:59:11 AM
Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 07:39:36 AM
Quote from: Vikingjuice on May 28, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
"I'm the Juggarnaut...BITCH!!!!"

LOL, do a google video search for that and watch the cartoon.

that was terrible

were you hoping for taste and dignity?

humor, mostly

Mr. Ubiquity

Quote from: hattmoward on May 30, 2006, 10:08:55 AM
Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 10:02:25 AM
Quote from: hattmoward on May 30, 2006, 09:59:11 AM
Quote from: Mr. Ubiquity on May 30, 2006, 07:39:36 AM
Quote from: Vikingjuice on May 28, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
"I'm the Juggarnaut...BITCH!!!!"

LOL, do a google video search for that and watch the cartoon.

that was terrible

were you hoping for taste and dignity?

humor, mostly
well, its the internet.. so jokes on you..
"if I wank to it, will u feel disgusted or flattered or a perverse combo of both?"


Other than I thougth that there was too much going on, I thought it was good.  Phoenix was not nearly as hot as I thought she'd be.
11:42:24 [Gamplayerx] I keep getting knocked up.
11:42:28 [Gamplayerx] Er. OUT!


Quote from: ReBurn on June 05, 2006, 02:10:59 PM
Other than I thougth that there was too much going on, I thought it was good.  Phoenix was not nearly as hot as I thought she'd be.

blastphemy! Phoenix is the hotness!

She was hottest in Golden Eye. When she almost crushed 007 with her legs, I was like "OMG I'm in love."
A clever man commits no minor blunders.


Quote from: swolt on June 05, 2006, 02:13:00 PM
Quote from: ReBurn on June 05, 2006, 02:10:59 PM
Other than I thougth that there was too much going on, I thought it was good.  Phoenix was not nearly as hot as I thought she'd be.

blastphemy! Phoenix is the hotness!

She was hottest in Golden Eye. When she almost crushed 007 with her legs, I was like "OMG I'm in love."
She was kinda freaky-deaky this one.  Mystique was much hotter.
11:42:24 [Gamplayerx] I keep getting knocked up.
11:42:28 [Gamplayerx] Er. OUT!


Famke is all kinds of cha-ching.


Quote from: swolt on June 05, 2006, 02:13:00 PM
Quote from: ReBurn on June 05, 2006, 02:10:59 PM
Other than I thougth that there was too much going on, I thought it was good.  Phoenix was not nearly as hot as I thought she'd be.

blastphemy! Phoenix is the hotness!

She was hottest in Golden Eye. When she almost crushed 007 with her legs, I was like "OMG I'm in love."

When I saw her in GoldenEye, the first thing I thought was "holy crap that's that empathic woman that imprinted on Captain Picard!"


Quote from: Listener on June 05, 2006, 02:33:58 PM
Quote from: swolt on June 05, 2006, 02:13:00 PM
Quote from: ReBurn on June 05, 2006, 02:10:59 PM
Other than I thougth that there was too much going on, I thought it was good.  Phoenix was not nearly as hot as I thought she'd be.

blastphemy! Phoenix is the hotness!

She was hottest in Golden Eye. When she almost crushed 007 with her legs, I was like "OMG I'm in love."

When I saw her in GoldenEye, the first thing I thought was "holy crap that's that empathic woman that imprinted on Captain Picard!"

Phoenix, GoldenEye, Picard....paging all nerds.....paging all nerds..... :D

If you weren't already married, I'd be really worried for your sex life.


Quote from: Vikingjuice on June 05, 2006, 03:10:44 PM
Quote from: Listener on June 05, 2006, 02:33:58 PM
Quote from: swolt on June 05, 2006, 02:13:00 PM
Quote from: ReBurn on June 05, 2006, 02:10:59 PM
Other than I thougth that there was too much going on, I thought it was good.  Phoenix was not nearly as hot as I thought she'd be.

blastphemy! Phoenix is the hotness!

She was hottest in Golden Eye. When she almost crushed 007 with her legs, I was like "OMG I'm in love."

When I saw her in GoldenEye, the first thing I thought was "holy crap that's that empathic woman that imprinted on Captain Picard!"

Phoenix, GoldenEye, Picard....paging all nerds.....paging all nerds..... :D

If you weren't already married, I'd be really worried for your sex life.

My wife is also a nerd, in some ways.  She loves ST:TNG (although doesn't like the original for some reason) and watches all my scifi shows with me except BSG, which she just can't get into.  But she won't read my scifi books; the only scifi she reads is JD Robb's "In Death" series.