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The book of Eli

Started by swolt, July 02, 2010, 09:59:46 PM

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(I didn't see another thread on this, so I'm starting one.)

Just watched this. I thought it was kind of boring and predicable, and then BLAM! the big twist. I'm not even going to put it here because it would ruin the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it, but the ending made the whole movie and I very much enjoyed it.

A few things to those who have seen it:
[spoiler]What was with people asking to see his hands, and him saying "I'm not one of them?"
I kept thinking the book was not really a Bible and some kind of blueprints for something. I liked the fact that it turned out to be just a Bible, and that the story was about his journey, not about his destination.
Where was the chick going in the end?[/spoiler]
A clever man commits no minor blunders.


And I answered one of my own questions.

[spoiler]They were checking his hands to see if they were shaking from eating human flesh.[/spoiler]
A clever man commits no minor blunders.