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What should I name my new dog (if the fostering turns into an adoption)?

Started by Jessie, August 12, 2009, 12:29:27 PM

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we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


I'm telling you he looks like a Roscoe dammit.

He also looks like a Norman, Simon, Geraldo, Turk, Hewie, whatupdog, Mr Waggletons, Chuck, Bing, Rupert, Kramer, Vinny, Peanut, and Rowdy.  (turk and rowdy are from scrubs which I happen to be watching right now).

Elliot is a good name too.

Also Janitor.


Whatever you do, don't name it Buddy.  That is the dumbest dog name ever.

Literary names:

Marvin - HHGTTG
Watson - Sherlock Holmes
Iago - Othello
Doctor Butts - Henry VIII
MacDuff - Macbeth
Mercutio - Romeo & Juliet
Edward - Jane Eyre
Holden - Catcher in the Rye
Yuri - Dr. Zhivago
Marlowe - The Big Sleep
Sebastian - Brideshead Revisited
Grendel - Grendel
Charlie - The Heart of Darkness

Or if you want to go with awesome other references:

Ash - Evil Dead
Dae-Su - Oldboy
Barfolomew - Spaceballs

Or how about Bob?

(I still think he looks like a Zeke.)


If you name him Charlie, I will stick your hand in warm water every night when you sleep at my house.


Quote from: pumpkineye on August 12, 2009, 12:58:26 PM
If you name him Charlie, I will stick your hand in warm water every night when you sleep at my house.

Then I'm double voting for Charlie.


Quote from: pumpkineye on August 12, 2009, 12:58:26 PM
If you name him Charlie, I will stick your hand in warm water every night when you sleep at my house.

Hahaha I just want to be able to say, "Oh Amber.  Last night, Charlie climbed into bed with me.  He was so warm and we cuddled all night long.  Then he humped my leg."
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Also, he kinda looks like Rowdy from Scrubs, but I don't want to curse him into being dead and stuffe3d.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Frank or Frankie
Chase (will be good if he runs after cars)
Edger (men in black, I just love how his wife said his name, sounded like Egger)
Also Orion, the cat with the galaxy.


Oooh, name him Tikki Tikki Tembo-No Sa Rembo-Chari Bari Ruchi-Pip Peri Pembo.


He kind of looks like a Seamus too.

I want to get an English Bulldog named Briggs.  But I don't think you'd be as keen on the name Briggs as I am.

I call my friend's new puppy "Poops Ahoy" which he responds to.  That's a good name as well.


Quote from: Jessie on August 12, 2009, 01:03:53 PM
Quote from: pumpkineye on August 12, 2009, 12:58:26 PM
If you name him Charlie, I will stick your hand in warm water every night when you sleep at my house.

Hahaha I just want to be able to say, "Oh Amber.  Last night, Charlie climbed into bed with me.  He was so warm and we cuddled all night long.  Then he humped my leg."

That will back fire as I would ask to watch cause I get off on that.


I think I'll call him Sue.

Also, PE I <3 your avatar so much.  I can't stop watching it.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Maybe I'll name him Everett from O Brother. 

Then maybe he'll turn into George Clooney while I sleep.

we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: Jessie on August 12, 2009, 01:09:34 PM
I think I'll call him Sue.

Also, PE I <3 your avatar so much.  I can't stop watching it.


Because that's like Fido, but spelled out all French-like but you pronounce it FIDO.  (Just saying it before someone else feels the need to explain it.)


Quote from: Jessie on August 12, 2009, 01:12:56 PM
Maybe I'll name him Everett from O Brother. 

Then maybe he'll turn into George Clooney while I sleep.

Ooooh, I like that name.  Then you can get some chickens and train him to round them up.  Then you can call people up and ask them if they want to come see Everett coop.

(It's like C. Everett Koop who was the surgeon general for awhile.)


we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: Jessie on August 12, 2009, 01:09:34 PM
I think I'll call him Sue.

Also, PE I <3 your avatar so much.  I can't stop watching it.
You just have to talk to her in weird tones and you'll get to see it IRL

Other suggestions:
Bark Wahlberg
Colin Growl
Peter Sniffin
Wagney and Lacey


Quote from: Jessie on August 12, 2009, 01:18:17 PM
haha I hate you a little.

That means I don't like you.

So by not liking me, you mean that you're not always okay with who I am as a person or how I react to things?  I suppose that's understandable.  I don't think we're all meant to not "I hate you a little" to someone now or then.  Though with the climate the way it is, I think life may be too short to not try and turn around the Canadian economy and learn to like each other a little bit more.  At least that's what my ex-boyfriend and I always said.  I think it still holds true to not "hate you a little" as much as possible.


Quote from: Alice on August 12, 2009, 01:13:36 PM
Quote from: Jessie on August 12, 2009, 01:09:34 PM
I think I'll call him Sue.

Also, PE I <3 your avatar so much.  I can't stop watching it.


Because that's like Fido, but spelled out all French-like but you pronounce it FIDO.  (Just saying it before someone else feels the need to explain it.)
we had a retarded cat name phideaux, which we called pah-hidy-ox.  She would hiss at chairs and then run into walls, it was sad and amusing.


Quote from: pumpkineye on August 12, 2009, 01:20:36 PM
Quote from: Jessie on August 12, 2009, 01:09:34 PM
I think I'll call him Sue.

Also, PE I <3 your avatar so much.  I can't stop watching it.
You just have to talk to her in weird tones and you'll get to see it IRL

Other suggestions:
Bark Wahlberg
Colin Growl
Peter Sniffin
Wagney and Lacey

I love these.  I won't use them, but I love them.  Love them, which is the opposite of how I feel about alice.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.