
Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories.

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Most Painful Move Ever

Started by BigDun, August 02, 2009, 12:01:42 PM

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Well, we finally made it. It almost killed us, but we did it.

Last Friday we took ownership of our new house. We came over and cleared the landscaping from where the new fence would be so our dogs could have free run of the back yard. It was warm, but I wore a long sleeve t-shirt to prevent my arms from getting to scratched. Saturday and Sunday my wife cleaned the new house from top to bottom using non-chemical, eco-friendly, hospital grade cleaning instruments (Ladybug) while I got things prepped to move. It was hot (highs in the upper 80's), but the tempreture in the house's basements were reasonable.

On Monday, the pain began. The high was 92 and it was time to start hauling boxes. We got up at 7:00 to get the small U-Haul and started to cart boxes out of the new house, into the truck for the short drive to the new house, and then dropping them off inside. I was downing quarts of water, but around 4:00 someone reminded me that I should be drining Gatorade to replenish my salts as well. That was a life saver. It was so hot at night that, even though I fell asleep exhasted at 10:00, I woke back up at 1:30 and couldn't get back to sleep because the house was still over 90 inside. Tuesday we did it again except it was hotter. The high was 96 with temps well over 100 inside both houses. Again, I didn't sleep for more than 3 hours that night.

I lost 8 pounds over the course of those two days.

Wednesday the movers arrived to move the big furniture. They started at 8:15 in the morning and didn't finish until 3:15. It was the hottest day on record for the Seattle area. The high was 103 in the shade and 118 in the direct sun. My wife and I couldn't help much because, after two days of continuously working through a state of heat exhaustion, walking up stairs made us want to lay down and cry. We gave the movers heroic tips.

Wednesday night (our first night in our new house) was bad. The temp outside didn't drop to a reasonable level until after midnight and our bodies were close to complete shutdown due to the heat, loss of body fluid, lack of sleep, and the fact that we had probably had eaten less than 500 calories of food a day for the last 3 days (eating food made us physically sick). We managed to cool off the bedroom to the upper 80's around midnight and finally fell asleep for 6 hours.

Thursday the heat abated somewhat (down to the mid 90's) and we went about cleaning out the old house and finished on Friday. Yesterday we cleaned out the old house's garage of empty boxes and garbage. Today we will haul our ultralight out of the garage and seal it as done.

At one point late in the week, I had to go into work for about 6 hours, and when I got home, I walked into the coolest room in the basement, lay down on the hard floor and passed out (my wife couldn't wake me) for an hour and a half.

Fuck you locals who say you don't need A/C here.

But now we really like our new house. All we have to do is find places to put all of our crap.
16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


You people move so much I can't keep up any more.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.



16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


Yup, and we don't know if they are going to give us $X or pay for the whole move.  I am in fear of the former.  It is pretty hot here this weekend, but we have Central AC.


Hates moving.  Hates it forever.

When we moved here in 2005 the AC in the house was broken (it was July too) so I laid on a mattress on the floor in the dining room and sobbed and sweated all night long.

I don't envy you your move one bit.
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?


soo, no pics of exhaustion, sweat, blood, tears, new house, old house, new paint colors ??


I'll take some pics as soon as we find the camera.
16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


Quote from: BigDun on August 03, 2009, 12:05:24 AM
I'll take some pics as soon as we find the camera.
It's in a box.


Dude, seriously, window units.  Wallmart sells one for about $100 bucks.  If nothing else, put that in the room you're sleeping in.


Quote from: VikingJuice on August 03, 2009, 01:19:32 AM
Dude, seriously, window units.  Wallmart sells one for about $100 bucks.  If nothing else, put that in the room you're sleeping in.
Seriously, this. Great investment. Just put it in the room where you're spending the most time. Then, when the temperatures are more moderate, take it down and store it.
11:42:24 [Gamplayerx] I keep getting knocked up.
11:42:28 [Gamplayerx] Er. OUT!


did you get cable hooked up? did you get to watch true blood last night? so good.

Dry then Catch

Quote from: BigDun on August 02, 2009, 12:01:42 PM
Well, we finally made it. It almost killed us, but we did it.

Last Friday we took ownership of our new house. We came over and cleared the landscaping from where the new fence would be so our dogs could have free run of the back yard. It was warm, but I wore a long sleeve t-shirt to prevent my arms from getting to scratched. Saturday and Sunday my wife cleaned the new house from top to bottom using non-chemical, eco-friendly, hospital grade cleaning instruments (Ladybug) while I got things prepped to move. It was hot (highs in the upper 80's), but the tempreture in the house's basements were reasonable.

On Monday, the pain began. The high was 92 and it was time to start hauling boxes. We got up at 7:00 to get the small U-Haul and started to cart boxes out of the new house, into the truck for the short drive to the new house, and then dropping them off inside. I was downing quarts of water, but around 4:00 someone reminded me that I should be drining Gatorade to replenish my salts as well. That was a life saver. It was so hot at night that, even though I fell asleep exhasted at 10:00, I woke back up at 1:30 and couldn't get back to sleep because the house was still over 90 inside. Tuesday we did it again except it was hotter. The high was 96 with temps well over 100 inside both houses. Again, I didn't sleep for more than 3 hours that night.

I lost 8 pounds over the course of those two days.

Wednesday the movers arrived to move the big furniture. They started at 8:15 in the morning and didn't finish until 3:15. It was the hottest day on record for the Seattle area. The high was 103 in the shade and 118 in the direct sun. My wife and I couldn't help much because, after two days of continuously working through a state of heat exhaustion, walking up stairs made us want to lay down and cry. We gave the movers heroic tips.

Wednesday night (our first night in our new house) was bad. The temp outside didn't drop to a reasonable level until after midnight and our bodies were close to complete shutdown due to the heat, loss of body fluid, lack of sleep, and the fact that we had probably had eaten less than 500 calories of food a day for the last 3 days (eating food made us physically sick). We managed to cool off the bedroom to the upper 80's around midnight and finally fell asleep for 6 hours.

Thursday the heat abated somewhat (down to the mid 90's) and we went about cleaning out the old house and finished on Friday. Yesterday we cleaned out the old house's garage of empty boxes and garbage. Today we will haul our ultralight out of the garage and seal it as done.

At one point late in the week, I had to go into work for about 6 hours, and when I got home, I walked into the coolest room in the basement, lay down on the hard floor and passed out (my wife couldn't wake me) for an hour and a half.

Fuck you locals who say you don't need A/C here.

But now we really like our new house. All we have to do is find places to put all of our crap.

you should have hired some street urchins, losing 8lbs of even water can't be good.  now you've lowered your life expectancy by probably like 5 hours


Read your gmail, Mr. Name Changer.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: eo000 on August 03, 2009, 10:10:38 AM
did you get cable hooked up? did you get to watch true blood last night? so good.
I forgot to tell you!  I watched the first six episodes of season 2 on ondemand ... but then forgot to watch last night.  And I ordered the first season from netflix.  The show is definitely better than book 7.

Back to the topic at hand, that sucks, CD.  Buying an airconditioner would've been my very first move.


Quote from: Gamplayerx on August 03, 2009, 03:16:06 PM
Quote from: eo000 on August 03, 2009, 10:10:38 AM
did you get cable hooked up? did you get to watch true blood last night? so good.
I forgot to tell you!  I watched the first six episodes of season 2 on ondemand ... but then forgot to watch last night.  And I ordered the first season from netflix.  The show is definitely better than book 7.

Back to the topic at hand, that sucks, CD.  Buying an airconditioner would've been my very first move.

Air conditioners, fans, and even all the air conditioned hotel rooms were sold out last week.
16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


try your local Habitat ReStore, if they have one there. they may have fans, window AC's , cheap-cheap. i suppose cheap would not matter much now, we would pay anything here for a generator post hurricane. hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Quote from: BigDun on August 03, 2009, 09:58:51 PM
Quote from: Gamplayerx on August 03, 2009, 03:16:06 PM
Quote from: eo000 on August 03, 2009, 10:10:38 AM
did you get cable hooked up? did you get to watch true blood last night? so good.
I forgot to tell you!  I watched the first six episodes of season 2 on ondemand ... but then forgot to watch last night.  And I ordered the first season from netflix.  The show is definitely better than book 7.

Back to the topic at hand, that sucks, CD.  Buying an airconditioner would've been my very first move.

Air conditioners, fans, and even all the air conditioned hotel rooms were sold out last week.

Note to BD:  You've died, you're stuck in hell. Pray for purgatory!