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What's Your Favorite IPhone App?

Started by BigDun, March 07, 2009, 11:55:54 PM

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16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


Game: Bejeweled (I also play a solitare and sodoku game); MotionX Poker is fun, too.
General: Facebook
Twitter: Tweetie
Music: Pandora


I use Shazaam quite a bit.  Hear a song that you don't know, but want to?  Use it to tag the song.  You can even buy it from your phone!

Twitterfon is good for Twitter.  Although I hear nothing but good about Tweetie.

Wooo! Button.  It just says Woooo!  I love it.



More Cowbell.

Remote.  Makes your iPhone a remote for your iTunes.
You're an asshole and I hate you.


I have Wooo! as well.  It is fun, especially when you hide it.

I met the guy who "created" iFart.  What a whore.

Google is good.  I forgot that it didn't come with the phone.

I like the app, too.  I have purchased things from it.

I took More Cowbell off my phone, and I forget why.


I like AccuWeather, iMafia (game like Mafia Wars), PhoneFlix (manage your Netflix queue), i.TV (manage your Tivo), IfFound (you could easily do this yourself with Paint or Photoshop, but it just lets you pick a photo to use as your background and then put an "If Found call or e-mail message" that displays when the is locked), PBJTime.

And Shazam and Google and Facebook and Pandora.


I also use Yelp to find places to eat.  Urbanspoon is gimicky.


The IT guy here has something that makes his sound like a shotgun being cocked and fired.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Quote from: Jessie on March 09, 2009, 11:08:34 AM
The IT guy here has something that makes his sound like a shotgun being cocked and fired.

Because that would be so funny! Not. 


Did I mention that PBJTime is a countdown timer and is super awesome?  Now I have.


Quote from: Gamplayerx on March 09, 2009, 01:41:35 PM
Did I mention that PBJTime is a countdown timer and is super awesome?  Now I have.

I couldn't find it.  Is it really named that?


I'm considering an iPod touch because someone that works with me has all of these cool apps on his. I'd get an iPhone, but my company supplies my phone so I don't need one. So I will take note of the suggestions and insert iPod in place of iPhone.
11:42:24 [Gamplayerx] I keep getting knocked up.
11:42:28 [Gamplayerx] Er. OUT!


Quote from: ReBurn on March 10, 2009, 03:22:02 PM
I'm considering an iPod touch because someone that works with me has all of these cool apps on his. I'd get an iPhone, but my company supplies my phone so I don't need one. So I will take note of the suggestions and insert iPod in place of iPhone.

An Ipod touch is everything the iPhone is good at.

The iPhone sucks as an actual phone.  I have to reboot the damn thing every other day to get service in my office.  And it's my office phone.  My other AT&T phone is fine.


i wish my phone (htc touch pro) had some of those cool apps. it's got the light saber thing, and a few others, but there really isn't very much for it specifically. worth it to me for the keyboard, though.


Quote from: Infobahn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:41 PM
Quote from: Gamplayerx on March 09, 2009, 01:41:35 PM
Did I mention that PBJTime is a countdown timer and is super awesome?  Now I have.

I couldn't find it.  Is it really named that?
It really is.  But I can't find it now.  It's by Keyvisuals.  Maybe there was some sort of copyright problem and they took it down?