
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

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One face good...Two faces sometimes better

Started by Jessie, June 19, 2005, 08:04:05 PM

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Here kitty kitty, kitty kitty.

note from nishi: if you want to see the kitty with two faces, you have to go to the article....  that almost made me throw up.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


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Underneath this flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.


Sorry about the l and the almost throwing up.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.



i just had to break up a giant dog fight. my stomach is a bit delicate this evening.

everyone is fine, aside from a wide variety of puncture wounds and a gash on charles ear which, along with a puncture on his nose, i told him would give him that rugged movie star look when they healed.

so yes. the kitty with two faces looked, to me, like a kitty that just got her face ripped in two. i wish her the best, though.
"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


Did Willy and Charles get together?  What happened?
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.



yes. i thought i closed a door and it wasn't all the way closed. willie and charles got into a fight. fredna waded in because she likes to fight. i waded in behind willie and tried to pull him off, but he wouldn't let go of charles' leg. i felt his body change - he wouldn't let go, but he wasn't determined to wade back in there. i put my hand on his face while i was talking to him and then - i still can't believe i did this - i slide my hand into his mouth between his teeth and charles and i pulled his mouth off and then tossed him in the other room. more on this in a minute.

then i had to go back because fredna decided that she was going to continue the fight. so i hauled her fat princess ass off and threw her in the bathroom.

sophie had been standing over charles face and neck, i assume to keep the other dogs from hurting him. he got up and limped around a bit - he's still pretty shocky (who wouldn't be?), but the worst bite, the one on his leg, i don't think did any serious damage, although it's certainly a big bite.

when i let fredna out of the bathroom, sophie walked up to her and clocked her on the side of the head, hard, with her paw. i think she felt fairly strongly that fredna had no business being in the middle of all that.

and willlie - i don't know. obviously the fight is between him and charles. a friend mentioned that maybe, instead of fighting to the death kind of a thing, for willie this is just about making charles follow the rules. since charles has no canine social skills, every assault to him becomes a fight to the death. 

i still don't know exactly why he let me do what i did. i don't know if he was willing to let me take over and make everyone follow the rules, or if he was just very aware that i was there and he didn't want to hurt me. maybe a combination of both. because he was such an aggressive street puppy i spend a lot of time making him play with me where my hands are in his mouth, and i make him spend a lot of time doing things that let him know that he's not as much in charge as he'd like everyone to believe.

so - i don't know what that was. but whatever it was, it does mean that willie trusts me in a way that i could not have anticipated.

and now everyone is sitting around licking their wounds and i'm still hyperventilating.  also, i wish whoever peed could have waited, although i understand why they didn't. but now all the dogs smell like pee. muh.
"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


Quote from: nishi on June 19, 2005, 08:57:02 PM
when i let fredna out of the bathroom, sophie walked up to her and clocked her on the side of the head, hard, with her paw. i think she felt fairly strongly that fredna had no business being in the middle of all that.



Oh, nishi, I'm sorry.  I'm glad that Willie trusts and respects you, but I'm sorry your babies got hurt.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


i'm sorry about everyone's wounds, too. obviously especially charles.

ok, actually, fredna deserved what she got.

sophie gets a raise in pay for clocking fredna. also, i decided that her whining is not just about the endless responsibility that goes with being in charge. it's that she's in charge of a team of idiots.

"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


in case you don't know, you should separate dogs in a fight by grabbing them at the hips.  that way, you have the most time to react if they turn to bite you.

i asked nikki what to do if a dog won't release its bite; she said you should put your hand under its jaw and squeeze just inside the joint with your thumb and forefinger through its cheeks.  (i added some detail there) that way you can pry the jaws apart and the dog will hurt itself if it tries to bite down more.

just looking out for teh nishi ;D

give everyone hugs for me.  even mrbuddycat, i'm sure that was all really stressful for him ;)


Quote from: hattmoward on June 19, 2005, 09:10:53 PM
in case you don't know, you should separate dogs in a fight by grabbing them at the hips.  that way, you have the most time to react if they turn to bite you.

i asked nikki what to do if a dog won't release its bite; she said you should put your hand under its jaw and squeeze just inside the joint with your thumb and forefinger through its cheeks.  (i added some detail there) that way you can pry the jaws apart and the dog will hurt itself if it tries to bite down more.

just looking out for teh nishi ;D

give everyone hugs for me.  even mrbuddycat, i'm sure that was all really stressful for him ;)

thanks for all that, matt! if it had been any other dog besides willie, i wouldn't have done what i did - it's good to know about coming up underneath like that. i probably should have used that on fredna - she was the one that i was expecting to bite me....

mr. buddycat's evening nap was interrupted. so very annoying for him. he's on the back porch now, in what he refers to as his own personal sauna.....
"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


And people wonder why I'm not a dog fan?

Back to the subject, a note to this kitten's owner and others liker her:  STOP INBREEDING AND MESSING WITH GENETICS!


Has anyone else seen the site detailing "common" cat deformities?

It is very informative, but you might want to turn loading of images off before poking around there.  There are many images there that are okay, just kinda neat, but there are a few that just aren't right. 

The extra-ears pics, for example, I'm sure everyone can handle:

[attachment deleted by admin]



Quote from: hattmoward on June 20, 2005, 06:19:48 AM
Has anyone else seen the site detailing "common" cat deformities?

It is very informative, but you might want to turn loading of images off before poking around there.  There are many images there that are okay, just kinda neat, but there are a few that just aren't right. 

The extra-ears pics, for example, I'm sure everyone can handle:

I never realized that cats have all the same birth defects as humans (cleft palate, anencephaly, etc.).

Poor kitties.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


1.  Dogfights- I've broken up a ton, and the best way I've learned is to go in hips and legs first.  Not kicking, but using my larger body mass to knock the animals aside.  Second best way is a wet string mop- I've used that on fights with big unfamiliar dogs.  Unless I knew the dogs well, I tried not to use my hands, because it would throw me off balance to lean over like that, and it put my face nearer to theirs.  Not where I wanted it to be!  (used to work in a kennel)

2.  Cat oddities- yeah- she's BREEDING them.   ::)

3.  Doggie issues- my friend's dog was born with a cleft palate.  They almost put the pup down, but didn't.  She had a hellova time as a puppy because she couldn't suckle.  She's good now- has had surgery etc.
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?


my dogs would scoff at a string mop. the only implement that will stop them is a closed door. i've used a desk, a chair, another chair, and a coffee table during various fights and all have been equally ineffectual. and i have to reach in and haul them out because there are four of them and only one of me - if i put something between two of them, the rest of them are still trying to get in there, and while i'm getting to them, the first one just goes back around whatever i put in the way. and, for the record, i would not normally put my hands anywhere near any dog's mouth when they're fighting. even my own dogs. but willie was acting differently this time, and i responded to what he was letting me know was ok. no one was more surprised than me - but i know my dogs and i know what they're telling me. if i'd done that to charles, i would have pulled back a bloody stump instead of a hand.
"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


It's probably a he/she too.  I think it's catching.  I'll bet it gets funny watching he/she chase their tail.


we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Why is this picture accompanying that story?