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MP3 Player info

Started by ursus, September 06, 2007, 07:02:59 PM

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Just starting to look into one for myself.

What equipment do you guys use, recommend?

Post links 'n' shit too...

I was just wondering...


I've got an iPod.  I have no equipment, per se.  Got an FM modulator for one car, the other one's stereo has an aux input thingie.  Um, headphones?  I have those, too.  Also, iTunes.  What info are you looking for, that might help.


I have a one gig refurb cheapie thing that I got from a wootoff.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


Wait.  Speaking of woot offs, didn't dazie just buy you an MP3 player?

I hope that wasn't a surprise or anything.


I love my IPod. We have several home speaker boxes (IHome and a boom box type thing) that have built in IPod docks. You can skin them to give them unique personality, and you don't have to worry if a website (like or software package supports it.

Woot had a $99 refurb sale on 4g 20GB unit a few days ago. You can probably get something similar from eBay.
16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


I forgot - CD reminded me.  I also have an iPod alarm clock thingie.  It's super cool.


I know everyone is probably tired of me posting this, but my wife doesn't work there anymore so I don't consider this self promotion:,241.htm
16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


I also have an iPod.  I have the pink 4GB Nano.  I really like it.

I used to have a Creative Zen, but when I bought a Mac, I had to switch.

I think I will get the new iPod Touch when it comes out.  Or I will wait 3 months and the price will come down :)
You're an asshole and I hate you.


I think I'm the only person left in America without an mp3 player.


Dazie bought 3.

Dazie could have used 4.
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?


Quote from: Alice on September 06, 2007, 08:54:54 PM
I think I'm the only person left in America without an mp3 player.
I waited a long time to buy one, but since I take public transit and I walk so much, it made sense.

I listen to NPR podcasts of "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me" and I listen to music with a lot of bass when on the subway.  The altitude changes kill my ears.
You're an asshole and I hate you.


Didn't he say he didn't want one, dazie?

Does ursus need a kicking?

I love wait wait don't tell me.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


I don't have one.  Now that I sit on the beach all day I need one though.
16:15:43 [Gamplayerx] Juneau, I could really go for some pie. You better Belize it!


Want an old stupid one that uses compact flash?  'Cause I'll totally send it to you. 

One or two words of caution, I only have a 16 meg card for it, so it holds about 18 songs.  And you need a card reader.


You're such a giving person, Gamp.  :)

Maybe he needs a coke machine for the beach too?


Ooh!  Maybe he does!

DS! Want a coke machine? 


Hey! Don't go giving my Coke machine to him. If he wants a Coke, he can drive up to my house.
16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


Quote from: BigDun on September 06, 2007, 10:24:27 PM
Hey! Don't go giving my Coke machine to him. If he wants a Coke, he can drive up to my house.
I've got three!  Stop stymieing my sales!


I may have a problem geting that over the dunes.
16:15:43 [Gamplayerx] Juneau, I could really go for some pie. You better Belize it!


Quote from: DownSouth on September 06, 2007, 10:34:10 PM
I may have a problem geting that over the dunes.
Not if you buy her old car too.


Quote from: Alice on September 06, 2007, 10:35:42 PM
Quote from: DownSouth on September 06, 2007, 10:34:10 PM
I may have a problem geting that over the dunes.
Not if you buy her old car too.
The Coke machine probably outweighs the Toyota.  Once I can get back to a full speed run I'm stealing the Good Humor cart on the pier.
16:15:43 [Gamplayerx] Juneau, I could really go for some pie. You better Belize it!


Hey, now!  No dissing the ole Corollla!!

Side note (I might have told some of you this before):  my cousin Moran (he's Israeli, he goes by Joe when he's here) spent the summers of 2004, 2005 and 2006 driving an ice cream truck in Virginia Beach.

Oh!  Alice!  This is the guy who just married Yodafett.  Her dress was so gorgeous!  I have pictures somewhere, I'll send you one or two.


Ursus is in the middle of some decision making. One option introduces the Apple "virus" (as a friend likes to call it) to the house.

Can he go first person again?

We're considering some new IT stuff. A part of one of the choices I'm pondering would be better served by Apple products.

I need to be able to listen. Recording would be a plus but isn't a deal breaker either way.

I typically use Sony studio monitor headphones (8 ohm?) both to listen and professionally, but the damn dogs keep snacking on them...

Dazie wanted us to have a matched set for the trip and what not. Not getting 4 isn't a deal breaker either. I know the apple name better than most others.

Just fishing for info.

And, no Gamp, they weren't a surprise of any kind. I appreciate your concern.

Thanks guys and enjoy that coke machine DS!
I was just wondering...


Quote from: ursus on September 06, 2007, 10:59:22 PM
Ursus is in the middle of some decision making. One option introduces the Apple "virus" (as a friend likes to call it) to the house.

Can he go first person again?

We're considering some new IT stuff. A part of one of the choices I'm pondering would be better served by Apple products.

I need to be able to listen. Recording would be a plus but isn't a deal breaker either way.

I typically use Sony studio monitor headphones (8 ohm?) both to listen and professionally, but the damn dogs keep snacking on them...

Dazie wanted us to have a matched set for the trip and what not. Not getting 4 isn't a deal breaker either. I know the apple name better than most others.

Just fishing for info.

And, no Gamp, they weren't a surprise of any kind. I appreciate your concern.

Thanks guys and enjoy that coke machine DS!

I've had the apple rant here somewhere before.  To sum up, here are my main problems with iPods:

1. They are overpriced for their features.  You can say they're made better, but you'll change your tune when it dies and you have to send it to china to replace the battery.  I can replace my battery wherever AAA batteries are sold.

2. They do not support subscription music.  This is not only services like Rhapsody and Napster, but also this:  Many public libraries have a service where you can download audiobooks (for free!) to your subscription-compatible MP3 player. None of these support iPods, and it's because apple refuses to make a product that works with them.

3. They don't play well with others.  With my MP3 player, I can drag tracks I own onto it and drag them onto any other computer I want, with no problems.  With an iPod, you can plug it into another computer to charge it, but you can't take the songs off.  This will be a problem if you have 4 iPods in the house.


I got an XM receiver with a microSD slot.  Unfortunately the music you record off the air is stuck on the device, but I like it because I can switch off my mp3s and add more variety to my collection.