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Cosplay scavenger hunt

Started by eo000, April 11, 2005, 11:46:33 AM

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While I was kicked out of the house for the day, I went around and bought some random stuff.  If you want it, it's yours. All you have to do is post or link to cosplay of these five things.

1. Draco Malfoy
2. Optimus Prime
3. Rikku
4. Female Storm Trooper
5. Inuyasha

I've found pics of all these today, so I know they are out there. First one with all five wins the stuff.  ;D


ok, whether or not i find any of the rest of them, i should get extra credit for finding this, as i was unaware that there was already harry potter/draco malfoy fanfic WITH illustrations...

"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.



Quote from: eo000 on April 11, 2005, 11:51:22 AM
oh man.

good christ but there's a lot of hp/dm fanfic illustrations. i'm kind of getting creeped out here.

that's SFW, but i wouldn't want my boss looking over my shoulder while i was viewing it.
"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.



cnamon, you're just a rikku cosplay away!


finally!! although the rest of the pictures on the same page indicate that this is, in fact, a fanfic cosplay setup....

"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


If you knew how hard it was to focus on looking for those...I can't do any more work right now, so it was worth looking.

Now my brain hurts.


"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


I like this inuyasha better:

16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt



i got too distracted by the fanfic. that stuff is like a train wreck. bleh.

yay dottie!!!
"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.


we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.



eo, you have put the first smile on my face all day.  That is truly random.

Thank you.


What's that pink thing at the top with the woman on it?

It looks naughty.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.