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On the couch

Started by SockmonkeyHolocaust, July 11, 2005, 03:14:09 PM

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N: Doesn't it feel weird to see tattoed moms everywhere?
S: Not really.
N: I wonder how their kids grow up.
S: Probably in a supportive environment, like hippies.
N: The only hippy parents I knew were nuts.
S: By whose definition?
N: They were mormon and the dad was a poetry-writing lawyer who used to answer the door in shorts, a headband and a knife. He'd look at you and say, "whadddya want? I am watching Rambo!"
S: Ooh
N:Amazingly brilliant kids. Screwed up, but brilliant nonetheless.
S: It's amazing how everyone is getting one.
N: Nothing like safe rebellion, eh?
S: Yeah, I'll tell you the reason why I don't like them....I was dating this girl.
N: Oh Christ...
S: and after two years she tells me, "I want to get a butterfly tattoo"
Why? I asked.
"Because I've always wanted one", she replied.
That was the first I ever heard of it. Suddenly everyone has always meant to get one, but it slipped their mind and now suddenly the fact that everyone has one.
N: This was the one who dumped you to become a stripper, right? The one that was chubby but got skinny, dumped your cheating ass and started dating guys in shitty bands?
S: Yeah.
N: Man, don't you see the metaphor?
S: Metaphor? She was dumb as bricks.
N: Subconsciously man, subconsciously.
S: Yeah.
N: She wanted to go from a grub to a beautiful butterfly.
S: A buttefly wearing body glitter and taking money from idiot guys.
N: Yes, she considered that better than dating you. You were just the larvae stage.
S: *sigh
N: Nah man, you guided her. You were her food that led her to become a beautiful butterfly.
S: A beautiful stripper buttefly.
N: And now she dates guys in bands.
S: I am supposed to feel good about that?
N: It's life man, if you want to feel good about it take up heroin.
S: I wasn't that bad of a boyfriend. Was I?


Very nice.  I dig it.


I don't know if this was real, or who N might be, but they just provided me with my new signature.


I'm developing a unified theory that suggests that whenever someone gets a tattoo, that persons clothing mysteriously develops the characteristic of being 'missing' in that spot. 

i.e. Tattoo on the arms?  All shirts magically lose their sleeves. 

Anywho, there's a chance I may add your dialogue into the theory.  if so, expect royalties.