
3/12/05 5000th post provided by Bishamonten

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Burger Fuhrer

Started by SockmonkeyHolocaust, July 12, 2005, 01:21:10 PM

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No ending yet.

(Scene with a Ren Fare person standing in front of the counter. Boober is standing behind the counter with a smug look on his face.)
Boober: I am sorry, there were no burgers in medieval times...

Ren Fare Asshole: HAHA, very good. Give me a cheeseburger.

Boober: What forsooth is this

(Steve walks up)
Steve (whispering): Hey man, c'mon. Stop it.

Boober (whispering loudly): No, fuck them. This is principle. If they want to dress up in funny costumes, and act annoying when i ask them where the goddamn bathroom is then they better be able to take it.

Refare Asshole: Then, good sir, I would like a side of beef.

Boober (turns back): Sorry sir, we don't serve sides of beef here.

RFA: But you said...

Boober: Yes, traditionally there have never been any sides of beef in Burger Fuhrer, hence there are no sides of beef at Burger Fuhrer..

RFA: <scottish accent>That's it! Where's the manager? I want to speak to im right now.

Boober (with shit eating grin): Alas alack, my liege is absent, gone on a crusade for AA batteries. he is not expected back in a fortnight.

<renfare crowd gathers around>
RFA: Either we get our food, or I think we have a castle to assault.

(Steve decides to stop being the voice of reason and enters into the fray)
Steve: Dude, i don't know about you, but I am totally digging maid marian's breastworks over there...heh...heh...
<turns and stares at her tits, silence>

RFA: Are you going to give us our food or what?

Boober: Come the fuck back when you all move out of your parents' basement, asshats.
<ringing as a sword is unsheathed, Boober leaps across the counter, a spatula in hand, they tumble, and it turns into the swordfight scene from hamlet>

<Steve dumps hot fries on them>

<Boober forces ren fare combatant out the door triumphs holds spatula in threatening manner>
Boober: Give up and get out!
(RFA stands up, suddenly you see focused behind him a line of arrowmen)
RFA: No I think it is you who should give up! Guards!
(arrows fly, Boober gets behind door as fast as possible, arrows miss and he gives the finger)


Boober: Oh shit. Retreat!

<Car pulls up outside, sees battering ram and tower>

Old people: Let's go to the Dairy Queen.

(Boober ducks behind counter starts hurling everything he can at them)
Motherfuckers! Motherfuckers
<a barrage of arrows shoot over head, both slide down behind counter>
Looks like our days at Burger Fuhrer are ended.

Steve: I have an idea....

<comes out wearing kitchen gear and fake eyepatch>
Steve: Avast ye mateys!!! I have captured the scallimwag!

Steve: I will take yon...yon...what the hell?

Boober: cur

Steve: cur out back and separate his mangey carcass from his odorous head. Arrrr.
<RFAs start to follow>
Avast...<elbowed> avaunt yon fellows, where art thou going?

RFAs: We want to watch!!!

Steve: Ye can't, man. Would Richard the Lionhearted have...have...uh...
and during the crusades, did, um Sir Optimus Prime behead the nasty varlet Count Magatron in front of...of...
<starts laughing>
dude, I am sorry. we just got our asses handed to us by ren farers and now we're trying to get out of it with an old Mel Brooks routine...

Boober: wasn't this a Robin Williams movie?

RFA: Kill!

(Muriel comes out the back)
Muriel: What the hell are you people doing?
RFA: Get thee back in the kitchen wench.
(ren farers take a step back)
(ren farers take a step back again and start leaving, soon it's just RFA)
Boober: Quick! Catch! (throws spatula, it bounces off her arm)
Muriel: Don't throw shit at me. Who's going to clean this? You Boober, that's the fuck who.
(points at Ren Fare guy) YOU. OUT.
(cut to outside) He gets booted again.


That's really funny!

It reminds me of Clerks for some reason.  I don't know if that's good or bad to you, but I can totally see those two doing that shit.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


16:15:43 [Gamplayerx] Juneau, I could really go for some pie. You better Belize it!


i love any story with renfair guys trying to justify cheeseburgers.
"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.