
07/15/05 - Beefy nails the 50,000th post!

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Started by Alice, June 29, 2005, 11:44:33 AM

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One of Tony Horwitz'z (?) books:

Confederates in the Attic
Blue Latitudes
Baghdad with out a Roadmap

He's a "travel" writer, and they are all fun books.
I was just wondering...


Nishi, will you e-mail me exactly what I should tell her to tell her doctor to get a hold of said form?


Quote from: Gamplayerx on June 29, 2005, 02:30:10 PM
Nishi, will you e-mail me exactly what I should tell her to tell her doctor to get a hold of said form?

i'll just post it here, in case anyone else needs it (hatt's grandparents come to mind. this is also a program that babybahn will be eligible for, i suspect - i know you guys read to him, but as he gets older there are lots and lots of books for kids. i know a lot of adults who have been visually impaired since childhood who can see well enough to read, but whose eyes tire easily. they tend to use the service for listening to books they enjoy and save their eyes for work, technical reading, coursework and stuff like that).

you call the doctor. you tell them that your grandmother's vision has really deteriorated and you know she would be eligible for the National Library Service Program for the Blind and Visually Impaired. they should know what you're talking about.or you could call her eye doctor, if she has one. i know they would know.  here are the criteria for being able to use the program:

and here is where the form is - so you can take it to the doctor's office and hand it to them - and where it should be sent:

"we left the motherland to settle a colony on Juntoo.  hats with belt buckles."

<- this is a prankapple.
