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The End of Internet Radio?

Started by BigDun, May 06, 2007, 09:36:08 AM

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An email from my brother-in-law:

If you haven't already heard about this, please take a few minutes and learn about this issue. You both know how lame regular radio is - I assume that's why you made the switch to satellite. But there is SO much good music on internet radio that needs the exposure - it's often the best (and sometimes only) way that artists like Susan, Garrison, and countless other "under the radar" musicians can get airplay and exposure.

I ask you to do three simple things:

1. Take a few minutes to explore the website, as well as this article:

2. Use the link on the website to find out how to contact your congressman and ask him or her to support this bill. It only takes a few minutes, and not only will you be helping a great cause, but you may even start to feel kind of warm and fuzzy for getting involved.

3. Tell a friend. Tell LOTS of friends. Not just music lovers, but also tech-savvy computer folks. (You know some of them, right?) Tell them in person, tell them online, tell them on message boards, whatever. But spread the word.

Oh, and by the way... if you're curious just how great internet radio can be, check out After you tell them what you like (a la TiVo's recommendation process), you'll be exposed to more great new & old music than you'll know what to do with.

Simply put, if you like music, and you like the internet, you've got to help.

thanks for listening,


Recent government action has dramatically increased the fees internet radio companies must pay to play the music you enjoy and threatens the future of internet radio. You can help, let your voice be heard.

Click on this URL to take action now

16:26:25 [DownSouth] I'm in a monkey rutt


Yeah- I noticed on yesterday that there was a link to click to try and get the legislators to cut that shit out.
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?


Yeah.  I saw that on Pandora.  Sucks.
we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.